2016年6月30日 星期四

comment command for confluence

select a.creationdate,a.lastmoddate,b.username from content a ,user_mapping b where a.contenttype='COMMENT' and a.creator=b.user_key and a.creationdate between '2015/9/30' and '2015/10/1'

select count(*),b.username from content a ,user_mapping b where a.contenttype='COMMENT' and a.creator=b.user_key and a.creationdate between '2015/9/30' and '2015/10/1' group by b.username

2016年6月18日 星期六

confluence-comment by author

select a.creationdate,b.username from content a,user_mapping b where a.contenttype='COMMENT' and a.creator=b.user_key and a.creationdate between '2016/4/1' and '2016/4/20' order by creationdate desc